Archive for March, 2010

Purple Promises

Purple Promises

Tonight we sat by a cheery fire with our friends and ate cheese and bread and soup after a cold gloomy day. Spring is such a tease. She brings you a run of warmth and…

We have been having a run of trouble. There is an old Uncle Remus quote that I love. “You can’t run from trouble…ain’t nowhere that far”It’s true. Living your life with intention does not protect…



We have been having a run of trouble. There is an old Uncle Remus quote that I love. “You can’t run from trouble…ain’t nowhere that far”It’s true. Living your life with intention does not protect…



There is nothing like spring after a long winter. Winter is always long when you live in Vermont. Along about November the leaves have all fallen and the days get gray and blustery. We lose…