Posts Filed Under Kids in the Country

The Hunter

The Hunter

We have a hunter in the family. These are not words I ever expected to say. And then come these. I am thrilled we have a hunter in the family. Take that Ellen, you knee…

Slow Down

Slow Down

It has been the best spring ever…lush and green with sweet smelling lilacs, and white blossoms floating around in the air. The baby robins are chattering in their nests and spotted fawns are jumping in…

One Fair Summer Evening

One Fair Summer Evening

You can only have good ideas when you have enough space. Last week I caught crabs in the sand and walked endless beaches with kids in search of the perfect wave. No time for the…

Look at the Light

Look at the Light

My mom died in January. It was…complicated. And ever since, our whole family has been lamenting this long gray cold, and thinking about God, and place, and meaning, and the deep heavy thoughts of one…

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

It’s almost here. The BIG DAY. Every spring and fall it comes. Rain or snow….(I know some of you southerners say rain or shine, but up here in the North Country we usually get the…